Women in Leadership: Using your Innate Abilities and Tendencies to Influence Change
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Most leadership programs view leadership as a noun, a position of power to which one aspires. As such, they focus on behaviors and activities that can help you move up the corporate ladder. This program takes a different approach and looks at leadership as a verb, an activity that everyone can exercise to influence change. This more inclusive view of leadership focuses on the unique set of abilities and knowledge that everyone brings to their organization that can allow them to influence change, even when not occupying what we would traditionally consider a position of power. 

Grant professionals have an inherent ability to influence change in their organization through the funding we seek and the proposals we write. At the same time, we need to influence others to get our jobs done as effective grant writing can never occur in a vacuum. 

This program will discuss the different types of power that we all bring to relationships and the ways in which you can effectively (and ineffectively) use that power to influence change in your organization. As a female dominated profession, we will focus on the leadership qualities that many women find innate or second nature and how you can harness those abilities to get more done. While the discussion will focus on women, men will find this content useful as well for influencing change in their organization.


A frequent presenter at GPA and AFP conferences, Linda has more than 30 years of grant writing experience in higher education and multiple sectors as a consultant for the last 10+ years. With degrees in communication and rhetoric, she has taught undergraduate communication and fundraising classes and graduate classes on leadership and strategic communication and presented seminars on leadership, fundraising, communication, and organizational effectiveness for GPA, AFP and other organizations.

Skill Level:
All Career Levels

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Women in Leadership: Using your Innate Abilities and Tendencies to Influence Change
Content Types:
As a grant professional, you influence change in your organization. Learn how women's innate characteristics help you leverage your power to exercise leadership to create and manage change.
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