Working Across Generations: Understanding and Overcoming the Differences that Divide Us
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Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Generational diversity creates both challenges and opportunities for grant professionals. Gaps in communication, work styles, and intergenerational understanding can create difficulty in building and maintaining relationships, both internally and externally, and generational clashes negatively impact team members in working together effectively.

"A lot of companies come to me saying they are not communicating effectively, but when I take a closer look, I realize those issues are related to generational clash points. - Wayne Bennett

"A generation is not a box that people will fit neatly into based on their birth year. Generations are powerful clues, really powerful clues on where to start to better connect with and influence other people of different ages. - Jason Dorsey

This presentation will use PowerPoint, discussion, and interactive activities to support learning. Attendees will gain insight into the various experiences and cultures of differing generations, how they influence workstyle and communication preferences, and how to effectively key into those differences to build stronger relationships and communicate and work together more effectively. 


Sharon Skinner is the Grants Coordinator for the City of Mesa, Arizona. An experienced non-profit development and grants consultant with over 20 years of experience, she has served as a grant reviewer at the federal, state, city, and foundation levels. She holds a B.A. in English, an M.A. from Prescott College, a GPC (2007) and a Grants Management Certificate, and is a Certified Book Coach. Sharon has experience in Strategic Planning, Copywriting, Program Development, and Project Management.

A grant professional for more than 14 years and a consultant for 10 years, Kim works with multiple clients and provides grant writing services, donor cultivation coaching, grant research, as well as grant office assessments. She provides leadership and grant writing trainings for nonprofits, community foundations, and tribes. She has assisted clients in winning more than $111M in grant awards. Kim is a Grant Professional Certified and is one of only 18 GPCs in the state of Arizona.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Working Across Generations: Understanding and Overcoming the Differences that Divide Us
Content Types:
1 in 4 Baby Boomers will never retire, while Gen Y is entering the marketplace in greater numbers and faster than we can prepare them. The way we work and communicate must change with the times.
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