Booklovers Unite! Books to Inspire and Develop Your Potenital
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

As grant professionals, we strive to meet the deepest and most urgent needs in our communities--which requires courage, persistence, leadership, and collaboration. Yet, many of us feel ill-equipped to lead or foster significant collaborations without sufficient support.

This session will help attendees leverage the best practices captured in professional development and leadership books--both those focused on the nonprofit sector as well as more general tomes--and apply them to our work as grant professionals. We’ll explore growth opportunities at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. Attendees will be equipped with a professional growth and development toolkit, which will include detailed book summaries and a resource list of additional reading suggestions.


Betty believes that nonprofits can and do change the world. She loves securing grant funds for programs that help people meet their needs and thrive. She is a graduate of The University of Georgia’s Master’s of Nonprofit Organizations and Women’s Studies Graduate Certificate programs. Betty has helped clients net nearly $63 million in grant funds as of November 2020. Betty has a Grant Professional Certified (GPC) credential from the Grant Professionals Certification Institute.

Amy Ball Braswell is a grant professional with more than 20 years in grant management helping multiple organizations impact their communities. Most of her work has been regionally based in Southwest Virginia. She recently spent 8 years as an entrepreneur running a nationally recognized music retail business. In 2018 she relocated to the piedmont of North Carolina where she is enjoying being back in higher ed. A perfect day is curled up with her dogs, a good book and a cup of tea.

Crystal M. Kurzen currently works as the Grants Manager at LifeCare Alliance in Columbus, Ohio. Having recently made the transition to the nonprofit world after a 15-year career researching and teaching at the college level, Crystal enjoys the detailed nature and deadline-oriented work that it takes to be a successful grant professional. She holds a PhD in English from the University of Texas at Austin, an MA in Comparative Studies from The Ohio State University, and a BA in English and Spanish from Anderson

Kristin Raack is founder and principal of AltruNext, a firm that helps nonprofits flourish and advance the greater good. She loves to help organizations improve their health, achieve their missions, and increase their impact. Kristin has worked in the nonprofit sector for 20 years and has broad-ranging experience: grant writing, organizational assessments, annual funds, major gifts, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. She is fueled by caffeine, teamwork, and idealism.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Booklovers Unite! Books to Inspire and Develop Your Potenital
Content Types:
A lively discussion exploring books that foster personal, interpersonal, and organizational growth. Grant professionals will hone their leadership and collaboration skills to maximize their potential.
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