You CAN Win Federal Grants: 4 Keys to Unlock Success in the World's Largest Grants Marketplace
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Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
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The U.S. government is the largest funder of grants in the world, disbursing over $500 billion in grant funds every year. 

Federal grants offer large-dollar, multi-year funding that transforms organizations and amplifies impact.

But the complex rules and legal language of federal grants often dishearten the very nonprofit organizations that would most benefit from this funding.

Is there a way to make this process clear, easy, and attainable? 

Yes! There are elements common to all federal grants - the 4 keys - that can be used to unlock success in the US Government grants arena, even for smaller organizations that haven't won before.

Every federal grant is built on the same foundation: Limited Contact, Competitive Process, In the Public Domain, Resulting in the Creation of a Legal Obligation.

Using these four keys, grant pros can navigate the process and increase their chances of a large-dollar federal grant award.  

For example, where can you find information to help you interpret what the RFP means for your specific project?  How can your small organization be competitive on a national stage? How can you promote your project without creating burdensome contractual obligations?

This is the approach I developed over 25 years of grant writing that has helped me to secure $500+ million in awards. I believe that others, using this same lens, also will be able to turn the federal grant processes' unique constraints into competitive advantage.


Judie Eisenberg founded ProposalPRO in 1995 to help businesses – and later nonprofits and government entities – to respond effectively to government contracting and grant opportunities. Over 25 years as a grant writing consultant and, since 2018, as Grants Director of Bronx Community College, City University of New York, she has helped to secure over $500 million in government grants and contracts.

Her career has focused on government funding across agencies and levels, and she has participated in every facet of the process: helping minority businesses to win government contracts and nonprofits to win federal grants; responding to agency RFPs and helping agencies to develop RFPs; serving as a grant reviewer and being eviscerated by grant reviewers. She’s interested in bridging disconnections between those who award federal grants and those who pursue them to develop effective partnerships and high-impact programs.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application


You CAN Win Federal Grants: 4 Keys to Unlock Success in the World's Largest Grants Marketplace
Content Types:
Federal grants offer large-dollar funding that transforms organizations. But why are they so hard? Learn an approach that deepens your understanding of federal grants and improves your ability to win.
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