Your FY2022 Education Forecast! Grants in the USED Budget & Other Federal Funding Opportunities
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources


In this session, we will begin with a brief primer on how public K12 districts are funded as well as how the federal fiscal year budget process works (and where we are in that journey at the time of presentation). 

Considerable time will be used to review the US Department of Education's FY2022 budget (tentative or final). USED's budget will be used as an example to discuss longitudinal K12 funding trends, espoused vs. enacted funding priorities, and how grant professionals can use this information to plan for the grant-seeking year ahead. 

We will also select anticipated grant programs, from USED as well as other federal grant-making agencies, to highlight that support a variety of K12 education initiatives (e.g. safety, literacy, STEM, distance learning, afterschool programs). For highlighted grant programs - anticipated funding priorities, award amounts, & deadlines will be provided. 

To conclude, and time allowing, 10 grant writing best practice tips will be offered to attendees in the hope of increasing the likelihood of their next proposal being funded. 

Attendees will also be able to list federal sources of direct or pass-through education grant funding; describe current trends in federal education funding & policy; as well as develop a reasonable timeline for when proposal prep should begin.


Elizabeth is a Senior Grants Development Consultant for Grants Office LLC and manages the education team. She supports local school districts, colleges & universities, workforce training entities, and non-profit organizations to find and apply for relevant grant funding opportunities. With over 10 years of experience within both K-12 and Higher Education, she has worked with a variety of grant programs - from federal funds like ARRA to private, corporate funders like the Lowe's Foundation.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs

Your FY2022 Education Forecast! Grants in the USED Budget & Other Federal Funding Opportunities
Content Types:
Curious what to expect for K12 education in FY22, the first budget proposed by the Biden Administration? Join us to learn funding priorities and specific opportunities to add to your grants calendar!
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