And the Winner Is?!?: Make Merit Award Contests Part of Your Grant Strategy
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

"Outstanding Nonprofit Organization"

"Volunteer of the Year"

"Distinguished Philanthropist Medal"

"Exceptional Achievement in Charity Marketing"

"Springfield Civic Club's Top Nonprofit Professional 2021"

You have probably seen award titles like these adorning articles in the newspaper, profiles on social media, and framed certificates on office walls. Perhaps you've written an application for a merit award or even received one yourself.

But have you considered how honorary awards and prizes can advance your organization's grant strategy? At this session, learn how "best of the year"-type awards can help you win grants by raising your organization's profile and building credibility - while also fortifying the overall health of your organization by improving donor stewardship, volunteer management, board/staff relationships, and community networks.

Topics to be discussed include:

- Differences and similarities between achievement awards and grants

- Kinds of awards (sector-specific; monetary vs. non-monetary; individual vs. organizational; local vs. national)

- Benefits of awards (growing organizational credibility and reputation; stewarding funders; recognizing board, staff and volunteers; building relationships; and more)

- Tips for writing successful applications

- Cost/benefit analysis of award applications

- Resources for potential award opportunities


Maureen Stabile, GPC has worked in nonprofit development since 2004. Her experience includes foundation, corporate and government grant seeking, both for social service organizations and for a public school district. Maureen has B.A. and M.A. degrees in literature and a graduate certificate in nonprofit management. She currently serves as President of the GPA Chicago Area chapter.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies

GPC Competencies:
Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking
Ability to write a convincing case for funding

And the Winner Is?!?: Make Merit Award Contests Part of Your Grant Strategy
Content Types:
Learn how honorary achievement awards can help you win grants by raising your organization's profile and building credibility.
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