Help! They Want Me to Fundraise
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Consultant and author Susan Black brings the best of her book Help! They Want Me to Fundraise! to this hands-on session.  Participants will learn the key building blocks of a successful fundraising program including organizational readiness, fundraising goals and plans, primary fundraising vehicles and communications. With each lesson, participants examine how their organization stacks up to the ideal.  Participants determine their organizations’ readiness to embrace fundraising; learn the primary fundraising vehicles used by professional fundraisers; and identify specific steps they can take to implement a fundraising program in their organizations. This program is intended for staff and volunteers who are new to fundraising or who have fundraising duties in their job description but have limited experience

Susan Black, CFRE is the founder and principal consultant at Allene Professional Fundraising in Columbus, OH. She has over twenty years of nonprofit fundraising and leadership experience, and is a seasoned fundraising trainer and presenter.   Help! They Want Me to Fundraise! is available from CharityChannel Press and Amazon.  More information about the book and the author can be found at and

Skill Level:

Learning Track: 
Other: Fundraising

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Help! They Want Me to Fundraise
Content Types:
Based on Susan’s book by the same name, in this hands-on session, participants will learn the key building blocks of a successful fundraising program; determine their organizations’ readiness to embrace fundraising; learn the primary fundraising vehicles used by professional fundraisers; and identify specific steps they can take to implement a fundraising program in their organizations.
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