Let's Get Down to Business! A Case Study of a Small Business Engagement
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

If you get calls from small businesses, asking for help finding grants, and don’t know how to respond, this webinar is for you! 

Rachel Werner, GPC, and Micki Vandeloo, GPC, had such a request, and developed a comprehensive approach for the client, playing on the strengths of this team of grant professionals.  Rachel and Micki will introduce for-profit funding, discuss the situation, the approach they used and provide recommendations for small business funding referrals. 

You will leave this webinar equipped to deal with that next inquiring phone call from a small business!


Micki has over 10 years experience writing grants, and specializes in for-profit grant writing.  She also provides training and coaching services to new grant writers and non-profits wishing to increase or establish their internal grant writing capacity.  She has obtained over $12 million in grant funding for both for-profit and non-profit clients. Micki published the book, “THE For-Profit Grant Writing Guide”, in 2014, , is a  former Grant Professionals Foundation Board Member, and is a former President of the St. Louis Chapter of GPA.

Skill Level:

Learning Track: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Let's Get Down to Business! A Case Study of a Small Business Engagement
Content Types:
Have you ever gotten a call from a small business wondering if they could get grants to support startup or growth efforts? Rachel Werner, GPC, and Micki Vandeloo, GPC, will discuss the comprehensive approach they developed for one small business and some funding options for small businesses. Let’s get down to business!
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