Got the Grant, Now What?
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

The data-rich session will address pivotal role that post award activities play in successfully managing and closing grant projects and how such efforts can strengthen your organization’s grant programs, grant team, and lead you how to be different or set your organization apart in this competitive world of grants.

Specifically, the presentation will provide real-world examples of federal, state, and foundation grants to assist you with managing various types of grants.

It will also illustrate what you need to do as you receive a grant notification that you have been awarded a grant; the webinar will focus on funder relationships, management of funds, reporting, purchasing, equipment, inventory and programmatic activities as well as what to do when your project scope or objective change.    


Jasmine Markanday, MBA founded PKS Grant Management & Accounting Solutions, LLC in 2015. She is an experienced and valued grant professional who specializes in strategic grant planning & research, writing effective budgets, grant management, indirect cost negotiations, compliance, audit, and training. She is a regular speaker on Federal Grants Management topics. Her past work experience includes working at MidAmerica Nazarene University as a Grants Accountant and Risk Management Liaison. She received her Bachelors in Business Administration from Emporia State University and her Master’s in Business Administration from MidAmerica Nazarene University.

Skill Level:

Learning Track: 
Federal Grants
Grant Management/Budgets

GPC Competencies:
Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Got the Grant, Now What?
Content Types:
Grant Management plays an essential role in ensuring continuous grant funding, particularly with compliance, audit and funder relations which is key to having an excellent grant history, providing transparency, and effective management of funder’s grant dollars. This session will highlight the relationship between grantor and grantee, and it will demonstrate how organization’s need to ensure their grant teams are engaged in their work and committed to achieving the goals and objectives presented in the ori
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