Fundraising in a Post-Covid World
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1.5 Credits
Estimated Length: 35 minute(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Is your nonprofit facing a surge in demand on your services, while also struggling to raise funds during the COVID-catalyzed economic downturn? Wondering about what you can do to replace your annual in-person fundraising event to bring in that much-needed cash? Then join us as our expert presenter shares a wide range of practical tips and tools designed to help you navigate these troubled times and secure the support needed to fuel your mission. From grant seeking tips in the new normal to online fundraising, this dynamic workshop will get you on the right track toward financial stability. 

What you will learn:

  • How to secure grants in today’s new landscape
  • Tips for leveraging email, social media, and online fundraising
  • How to triple your online fundraising revenue within 3 months

If you are an executive director, grant writer, board or development committee chair, or a fundraising or grants staffer, this session is not to be missed!

Darian Rodriguez Heyman is an accomplished facilitator, fundraiser, social entrepreneur, and author. His life’s work of “helping people help” began during his five-year tenure as Executive Director of Craigslist Foundation, after which he was appointed as a Commissioner for the Environment in San Francisco, and authored the best-selling nonprofit Fundraising 101 and edited the best-selling nonprofit Management 101(Wiley & Sons). In addition to his active consulting, facilitation, and public speaking work, Heyman currently serves as the part-time Executive Director of Numi Foundation and Co-Founder of the GenderSmart Investing Summit.

Skill Level:

Learning Track: 
Federal Grants
Grant Management/Budgets
Prospect Research/Donor Relations

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders
Ability to write a convincing case for funding

Fundraising in a Post-Covid World
Content Types:
Is your nonprofit facing a surge in demand on your services, while also struggling to raise funds during the COVID-catalyzed economic downturn? Wondering about what you can do to replace your annual in-person fundraising event to bring in that much-needed cash?
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