Performance Management for Grant Writers
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

This course will walk you through a Logic Model with all its component parts, so that grant writers understand how to develop the Performance Management (M&E) sections of proposals. 

Barbara Vega is the Associate Vice President of Development for the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Skill Level:


Learning Track: 


GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Methods and Strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders
Ability to write a convincing case for funding

Performance Management for Grant Writers
Content Types:
This course will walk you through a Logic Model with all its component parts so that grant writers understand how to develop the Performance Management (M&E) sections of proposals.
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