Evaluation Plan: What should your plan include?
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

A strong evaluation plan is not just beneficial for a grant application but also for getting useful data. This session will help you learn more about how to develop a realistic evaluation plan.

We will first review the key components of a good evaluation plan. Second, we will discuss the steps one might take to develop a great evaluation plan. Third, attendees will read a mock case study and discuss aspects that should be included in the mock organization’s evaluation plan. Finally, attendees will be asked to reflect on the session and identify one next step they can act upon to begin developing better evaluation plans.

Attendees will complete handouts to document learnings and to identify next steps. These handouts will also enable attendees to quickly remind themselves of the sessions contents when they embark on developing their next evaluation plan.

Objectives: Attendees will walk away with 1) a better understanding of what evaluation is, 2) a better understanding of the key components of an evaluation plan, 3) a better understanding of how to develop a realistic evaluation plan.

Competency: Knowledge of how to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Grant writers are often asked to submit evaluation plans as part of grant applications. Developing a better understanding of evaluation plans will enable grant writers to become more effective.

Competency: Knowledge of strategies for effective program and project design and development

Through this session attendees will gain a better understanding of appropriate definitions related to evaluation and evaluation plans, as well as how project design elements should be interconnected with any developed evaluation plan. Attendees will also be introduced to research designs and how to match programs with appropriate methods

Michelle Molina helps organizations and collaboratives increase their evaluation capacity so that they are better able to use data to make improvements and adapt. She especially enjoys working with groups working on complex issues and systems change.

Skill Level:


Learning Path: 


GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Evaluation Plan: What Should Your Plan Include?
Content Types:
A strong evaluation plan is not just beneficial for a grant application but also for getting useful data. This session will help you learn more about how to develop a realistic evaluation plan.
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