Your Grants Success Path: 10 Steps to Get You Where You Want to Go … No Matter Where You Are Right Now!
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Getting to your next level of grants success shouldn’t be confusing. You can do it – here’s how! Total grants newbie … capable grants practitioner … seasoned grant pro … wherever you are right now, this masterclass is for you. In this fast-paced, high-takeaway live online training, veteran grant professional and grantmaking officer Maryn Boess shares GrantsMagic U’s unique Grants Success Path – the powerful 10-step road map that cuts through the often-bewildering “grants wilderness” to lead you reliably to your next level of grants success.  The 10 steps:

  • Get Real
  • Get Ready
  • Get Clear
  • Get Together
  • Get Building
  • Get Out There
  • Get It Out the Door
  • Get It Into the Finals
  • Get Feedback
  • Get Better

This class offers a unique, eagle’s-eye view of the entire trajectory of practices that create lasting and sustainable “grants success” – a perspective even grants veterans can struggle with. The Grants Success Path is also a construct that consultants can share with their own clients to help those clients understand the foundations of long-term grants health.


Over her 25+-year nonprofit career, Maryn Boess has been an on-staff grantwriter; a grants consultant (winning $42 million for her clients over 10 years); a grants trainer; a grants reviewer, author, speaker, mentor and coach; and – since 2006 - even a grantmaker. This 3-D background brings a unique insider's perspective to the practical, inspiring trainings on healthy, successful grantsmanship she shares with thousands of people each year through GrantsMagic U ( A true dual-citizen of the grants world, Maryn may be the only person holding membership in both Grant Professionals Association (for grantseekers) - and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (for grantmakers).

Skill Level:





Learning Path:

Other: Grant Best Practices and long-term wellness


GPC Competencies:

Strategies for effective program and project design and development
Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Your Grants Success Path: 10 Steps to Get You Where You Want to Go … No Matter Where You Are Right Now!
Content Types:
Getting to your next level of grants success shouldn’t be confusing. You can do it – here’s how! Wherever you are right now, this masterclass is for you! In this fast-paced, high-takeaway live online training, veteran grant professional and grantmaking officer Maryn Boess reveals GrantsMagic U’s unique Grants Success Path – the powerful 10-step road map that cuts through the often bewildering “grants wilderness” to lead you reliably to your next level of grants success.
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