Understanding Financial Statements Without Going Bald
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Grant professionals must understand what they are reading, the nuances of finances, and interpreting meaning to make smart decisions. Plus, there is plenty of accounting humor to be included. Who said finances had to be boring!

In this session we will use real financial statements to do hands-on interpretation and derive meaning from the numbers. Bring your own organization's statements if you want! We will also cover terms that are thrown around so you are the next financial guru in your office. When it comes to GPC competencies, be better at management practices as well as an improved grant professional.

From this session, attendees will:
Understand common finance terms
The differences between cash and accrual accounting
Need to know basics of General Accepted Accounting Principles
Identify AND understand basic financial statements: Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, and more
Know how to calculate ratios and actually understand what they mean for business decisions

Ericka Harney, CAE, CFRE, GPC, CVA has over 19 years of experience fundraising, grant development and nonprofit management. Ericka has successful grant awards of over $16million. Federal grants awarded from HHS, Defense, Justice, CNCS, USDA, and Energy. Foundation grants have included Bill & Melinda Gates, Robert Wood Johnson, Lumina, Hewlett, Ford, Phizer, AstraZenaca and many others. Ericka currently trains for Grant Writing USA while also serving clients around the country. During her experience in general fundraising she was responsible for raising over $1.5 million.  She is a federal grant peer reviewer for the HHS, Education, and CNCS.

Skill Level:

Learning Path:
Grant Management/Budgets

GPC Competencies:
Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Understanding Financial Statements Without Going Bald
Content Types:
Do you get anxious when email comes finance department with monthly statements? Quell the anxiety with this session that will lead you through financials and terminology so you can put the Tums away.
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