Protecting Your Time: A Consultant's Strategy for the Non-Grant Ready
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Protecting Your Time is essential for the simple reason that, without protection, we may be out of business if we aren’t careful. When our TIME is hijacked by the non-grant-ready, the client-wannabe’s that have no money or intention of paying us, the Passionate-but-has-no-clue’s, the unfortunate start-ups that are complete copy-cats of other programs – they suck our time and we just need to get them off the PHONE! Or do we? We’ll talk about strategies to Protect our TIME, and perhaps get a little business from them after all! I will go step-by-step through the process of helping them create a development plan that will serve as their roadmap to growing and thriving as a valuable nonprofit agency.


We will learn to guide them to:

-Identify and research their constituents

-Develop a marketing plan to map out how and when they’ll present their agency to different segments of the public

-Develop a calendar of cultivation activities that align with, and capitalize on, other planned activities

-Establish metrics to measure the value and success of each activity

-Draft an organizational chart and volunteer committee job descriptions that solve how a small organization can accomplish BIG things! 


Protecting Your Time will:

-Give consultants a methodology to coach young nonprofits through the process of analyzing, evaluating, and marketing their services effectively, thus creating “strategies for effective program and project design and development”

-Provide handouts and hands-on experience for training non-grant-ready callers to “research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs,” (i.e., individual, corporate, foundation, or other).

-Offer a strategy to walk a new nonprofit through the development planning process so their dependence on grants is decentralized, their fundraising goals and methods are realistic and actionable, and grants become part of the overall fundraising strategy leading to “organizational development as pertains to grant seeking.”



Carolyn Caldwell, GPC, CFRE and Principal of Raising Awareness, Raising Funds, LLC, has been working in fundraising for over 20 years. She has presented nationally at the 2013, 2018, and 2019 GPA conferences, and locally to her GPA chapter and many other non-profit groups. Grant Professional Certification (2016); Certified Fund Raising Executive designation (2019); Association of Fundraising Professionals Chapter President (2017) and board member 2012-19; GPA chapter President (2012). Recently elected to the Actors’ Theatre of Columbus board. Carolyn holds bachelor’s degrees in both Journalism and Theatre from University of South Florida.

Skill Level:

Master Level

Learning Path: 

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs
Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Protecting Your Time: A Consultant's Strategy for the Non-Grant Ready
Content Types:
This session gives consultants an alternative for non-grant-ready callers, and a roadmap to help that new agency become a grant-ready, sustainable nonprofit (and client)!
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