What does it mean to put communities at the center of our Work
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Community-centric fundraising is a movement to evolve how fundraising is done in the sector. How can we, as grant professionals, put community at the center of our work? This session will examine the pitfalls of traditional fundraising and grantseeking philosophy, introduce the community-centric fundraising model, and its alignment with the code of ethics and the role of grant professionals. The presenters, a group of diverse grant professionals, will provide real-world examples of ways to center community across various aspects of the grant-seeking process. By the end of the webinar, attendees will learn:

  1. The core principles of community-centric fundraising and its importance to effective grantseeking
  2. How to apply community-centric principles to various grant practices
  3. Action steps to help them, their clients, and/or organizations start the journey toward being more community-centric.


Lesa-Kaye, MPH, GPC has served as a grant professional for over a decade to health nonprofits and higher education institutions.

Molly C. O’Connor, M.S., is an evaluation specialist whose focus lies in equity and community centrism.

Kim Tso, MPP, GPC is an independent grant professional for community organizing efforts.

Skill Level:

Master Level

Learning Path: 
Other: Professional Standards

GPC Competencies:
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

What does it mean to put communities at the center of our Work?
Content Types:
A major shift is coming. Can you feel it? Community-centric fundraising is quickly gaining momentum around the sector. What does this mean for the grant profession? Based on the raw and real experiences of a diverse group of grant professionals, this session will examine how grant professionals put communities at the center of our own work and build the voice and power of communities.
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