The Local Government's Guide to Managing Subrecipients
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Monitoring and tracking subrecipient audits is a challenge for all localities, large or small, but it is especially challenging for those with fewer resources. An unsuccessful single audit resulting from the inability to drive subrecipient performance may end with critical financial implications for your locality. In order to avoid this outcome, implementing processes to help your subrecipients maintain compliance is crucial.

This webinar will offer practical tips and process improvements for monitoring subrecipient performance and reducing administrative burden. You will gain an understanding of how you can set clear expectations, create standard processes for data collection, and ensure transparency in communication and reporting so you can spend more time on community initiatives and less time on paperwork.



Adam Roth is the Founder and President of AmpliFund, the leading enterprise grant management software platform.

Adam was one of nine grant reporting executives to sit on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) DATA Act pilot program board. As a result, Adam has unique insight into grant regulatory guidelines. Adam often worked closely with industry and government officials to facilitate the development of improved regulatory guidelines for managing grant funding using standardized data structures. Adam was also honored with the NGMA Impact Award/Private Sector for exceptional contributions to advancing the field of grant management.


Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants
Grant Management/Budgets

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

The Local Government's Guide to Managing Subrecipients
Content Types:
Monitoring and tracking subrecipients while maintaining compliance is a challenge for all localities, but especially for those with fewer resources. This webinar offers practical solutions to help you do so for your organization.
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