Webinar: Moving Ideas Is Heavy Work: Here’s the Weight Philanthropy Can Carry
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description: 

To build public will for social change, we have to start with a better understanding of how the public thinks and talks about our issues. Then we need powerful frames and strategies to open minds and build momentum. The social sector has awoken to the potential of designing and mobilizing narratives to do the hard work of culture change and foundations are increasingly eager to support that important work.

This session will present a set of concrete strategies that foundations can pursue to productively engage in this work, as well as a set of activities that they should avoid, framed around what we know about how culture shifts around ideas. What aspects of narrative-for-change work are foundations uniquely positioned to advance? When should they be in the background, and when should they step up and lead the charge? How can philanthropy propel those already engaged in this work and which activities tend to turn toxic? We will explore these and other questions using real world case studies of foundations that tried – from experimental investments to entire grant portfolios – to drive narrative change. We will analyze what accounted for success, explain what went horribly wrong and unpack learnings and effectiveness factors.
Shaun Adamec is a storyteller and communications strategist who specializes in helping mission-driven organizations shape conversations, build brands, and tell their stories, so they can attract more awareness, resources, and support for their causes. Over his twenty years in the field, Adamec has worked with some of the world’s most noteworthy nonprofit and philanthropy brands advocating for the most pressing issues of today – combating climate change, improvingeducation systems, reforming healthcare, reducing addiction, making housing
more affordable, and many more.
Skill Level:
All Career Levels


Learning Track: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Originally Recorded:


GPA Webinar: Moving Ideas Is Heavy Work: Here’s the Weight Philanthropy Can Carry
Content Types:
This session will present a set of concrete strategies that foundations can pursue to productively frame the public narrative around their causes (as well as what tactics they should avoid) based on the science of culture shifts.
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