Webinar: Logic Models - No Longer the Big Bad Wolf
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

In this day and age, there is no reason a grown human being such as yourself should be intimidated by logic models. After all, it’s just taking your amazing, big-fat-audacious vision and framing it so you can make it happen. Why are you scared of that?


In this session, Amanda, a self-proclaimed logic model evangelist, will show you how logic models work, how you can make your own logic model, and how you can incorporate them into your writing. You will learn how to connect the dots between inputs and impact, the basis of your needs and sustainability statements, and how to build a budget – all from the magic of a logic model. While Amanda hopes you will become a logic model convert, she understands no everyone geeks out over plans like she does. So, at the very least, she hopes you are scared of logic models anymore and that you can use a logic moel to write stronger grant proposals and wow your funders.


Amanda Acton (she/her) started Acton Grant Consulting in the beginning of the 2020 Pandemic. She stumbled into grant writing in 2004 and has been connecting the dots between need, mission, and opportunity ever since. Amanda specializes in data-based narratives and social justice framing, and she loves a good logic model. She has a passion for cats, birds, and random trivia.

Skill Level:


Learning Track: 

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
Ability to write a convincing case for funding


Originally Recorded:

August 2021

Logic Models - No Longer the Big Bad Wolf
Content Types:
Amanda is a self-proclaimed logic model evangelist, and she wants you to be one too. In this webinar, you will learn how to make and use a logic model as a tool for grant writing, program development, and sometimes just for fun. By the end of the session, she hopes you will be able to use logic to write stronger grant proposals and wow your funders.
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