Keep Calm and Handle Difficult people
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

In our work and everyday life we encounter difficult and challenging situations and people. In this session we will identify conflict management styles by taking a 10 minute assessment and look at strategies that help manage situations and people. We will learn the 10 top skills for conflict management and discuss how to have difficult conversations. This training will enhance knowledge of strategies for effective program and project design and development by taking the fear out of conflict. This training will help people identify methods of soliciting and incorporating meaningful substantive input and contributions by stakeholders, including client groups, beginning with the development of a new concept or program. It will also assist by providing tools to identify individual conflict management style which will help to build partnerships and facilitate Some answers will not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to #12. collaborations among grant stakeholders. This training can help to raise the level of professionalism of grant professionals. 


Kristen Krey is the Grants Program Manager for the City of Glendale, Arizona. She has been serving the community for over 22 years in a variety of positions including, public safety, city management, and finance. Kristen holds a Master of Arts in Organizational Management and is a CPM -Certified Public Manager. She is an Adjunct Professor at Webster University and
teaches masters degree courses in leadership, management and business.

Skill Level:

Advanced/Master Level

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Keep Calm and Handout Difficult People
Content Types:
In our work and everyday life, we encounter difficult and challenging situations and people. In this session you will determine your conflict management style and how to respond to conflict.
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