Webinar: Statements, Stats, and Stories – How to Craft a Needs Assessment to Win
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources



Whether working with an individual donor, private foundation, State or Federal funding opportunity, each Needs Assessment has to be tailored to aptly define the project need and build the case for support. A primary goal of a Needs Assessment is to convince the funder that a partnership between an organization and theirs will be a successful alignment of mission and initiatives. Addressing the funder’s specific questions is equally as important as presenting pertinent material that captures the population, programmatic, or organizational need. The Needs Assessment is often the building block for crafting and substantiating the program design while laying the groundwork for program outcomes and impacts. The session will strengthen multiple GPC competencies for attendees and give them the confidence to create effective, powerful, and convincing Needs Assessments for their proposals that exemplify grants professionalism. The webinar will be a presentation with time reserved for Q&A sessions.


Rosi Urbine, GPC, CFRE, is the system-wide Grants Manager for Ascension Saint Thomas in Nashville, TN and provides grants and fundraising consultation to many organizations. With 16 years of experience, she has secured awards from private and corporate foundations, State and Federal funders. She has been a HRSA Peer Reviewer for 8 years and is a field reviewer for CDC. Rosi served on the GPA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, is a GPA mentor, and presents at GPA National Annual and Regional Conferences. Her mission is “a voice for the voiceless” seeking funds for uninsured patients and physician programs.


Skill Level: 



Learning Track:

Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Ability to write a convincing case for funding


Originally Recorded: 

April 2023


GPA Webinar: Statements, Stats, and Stories – How to Craft A Needs Assessment to Win
Content Types:
A Needs Assessment is one of the anchors of a strong and compelling proposal. The session will focus on establishing the case for funding support by presenting meaningful data, comparative statistics, vivid stories that exemplify need, and statements that demonstrate alignment to the funder’s mission and initiatives. The discussion spotlights practical techniques such as the use of tables, charts, and pictures to emphasize salient points. Of importance is also crafting the needs assessment within the histor
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