Advanced-Career Grant Professionals
52 (Closed courses will not be included.)
  • Overview
Recorded webinars geared towards individuals with 10+ years as a practicing grant professional. Job Level: Senior/Director/Manager
This presentation will cover the highlights and trends in compensation and benefits for grant professionals identified in the 2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits survey. This webinar is free to all who wish to attend.
Join us for a dynamic session led by Philip Deng,  where we demystify the intersection of AI and grant writing. This workshop will debunk common myths surrounding the role of AI in the grant writing process. Through discussion and practical examples, participants will gain insights into how AI can enhance the craft of grant writing.
The importance of mentoring to grant professionals from the perspective of both mentor and mentee.
This webinar is for everyone who works with federally-connected grants. Discover the final changes, with a cross-reference to the 2020 update, and memo M-24-11. Then, take a deep breath! We have until October 1, 2024, when it becomes effective, to grasp the many changes.
This session will address how to utilize Agile ways of working (regardless of tool or framework) in your organization to significantly improve the grant seeking process.
Learn how to use storytelling in grants beyond a simple quotation from a client. We guide you step-by-step through multiple examples with different storytelling approaches to use in your own grant applications.
Grant professionals have all heard this question, “We got the grant now what happens?” ... This session will focus on “now what”. The post-award process is as critical to the grant lifecycle as the pre-award process, if you understand the best practices of post-award management before you get the grant you have the edge.
Using empowering language when writing about our clients wins just as much funding as using shaming language. Plus, nonprofits that use disparaging language about their clients have poorer outcomes. In other words, there is no reason to make our clients sound poor and helpless in our writing. But how exactly do you do that? This workshop will break it down for you.
Do you want to be more successful in seeking foundation grants? Of course you do! I've had candid conversions with grant makers to learn what they wish we would (and wouldn't) do as grantees. Join this session to learn how you can improve your relationships and approaches to foundations to achieve success.
In this session, participants will learn seven methods to prioritize proposals for a grant team to write as well as ways to facilitate prioritization discussions about grant opportunities beyond being deadline-driven.
Agile leadership in nonprofits focuses on empowering nonprofit professionals, regardless of their title, to embrace the role they can play as a leader within their teams (especially grant teams!).
If you have questions about measurement and evaluation, this webinar is for you. Amy Puca, a longtime grant and program evaluator, will be on the line to share information about the issues grant writers confront regarding data and evaluation, from the initial gathering of needs data from clients to enabling clients to report back to funders.
Join a seasoned evaluation consultant to learn more about incorporating evaluation into grants and best practices for bringing an external evaluator into the grant writing process.
Can introverts be successful consultants? Spoiler Alert! Yes, they can.
Conflicts come in all shapes and sizes. You may have a disagreement with a colleague or supervisor or need to tell a client or collaborator that you think they should approach a project a different way. Learn productive strategies to manage these conflicts in a way that preserves your relationship while garnering the desired outcome.
Evaluation is key to a successful grant application. Attending this session will increase your knowledge on how to work effectively with external evaluation firms and consultants as a grant pro.
Earmarks set funds aside for particular projects, bypassing traditional grant solicitations, and have been part of the federal budget process since the first Congress in 1789. Because of past controversies, Congress passed a temporary moratorium on earmarks in 2011, later re-instated in 2021. Earmarks may be an alternative for your projects and federal assistance programs to date.
Learn and Discuss the GPA Code of Ethics. This version is geared towards those who are Grant Consultants
Learn about and discuss the GPA Code of Ethics. This version is intended for those who are full-time employed grant professionals.
This webinar on GPC Virtual Study Groups: How to Plan, Facilitate, and Participate in a Live National Learning Experience will present effective methods, resources, results and recommendations from facilitators of the first live national GPC Study Group conducted from February to April 2018. The group presented an exciting opportunity to learn together and effectively assist regular attendees in studying for and passing the GPC exam. Grant professionals who are interested in facilitating future groups for a
Transformative community development projects often present as complex, time-crunched grant proposals. Join this interactive webinar where two seasoned consultants share the successes and lessons learned from tackling a large-scale state application by uniting their complementary “superpowers.” No capes are required—just an open mind to explore grant consulting possibilities beyond traditional consultant and sub-contractor working relationships.
What does your grant readiness score mean? How does it compare to other organizations? Learn about common strengths and weaknesses seen amongst grant seeking organizations and how to address them.
Wondering how AI will impact your career? Want to know what tools are available and how to use them ethically? This is the event for you! As a grant writing professional, staying ahead of the curve is critical to success. This unique, peer-to-peer discussion will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your own insights and engage in informed conversations about the future of the field. Led by Your Nerdy Best Friend, Beth Z, this online town hall will take you on a journey of discove
Mary Beth Foley, Grants QSMO Customer Engagement Lead, will present on the Grants QSMO current initiatives, their path ahead, and gather insights from GPA members on how the Grants QSMO can best improve federal grants management for applicants and recipients.
This webinar will share practical how-to information for experienced grant professionals to prepare for and apply to become a GPA Approved Trainer along with the career and business benefits.
A post-award kick-off meeting is vital to grant success. This session will provide a framework for planning, organizing and facilitating a successful kick-off meeting.
In this webinar, Julia Campbell will talk about how to spread ideas with storytelling. It will focus on getting people from being passive to passionate.
This training is an overview, uniquely designed to turn your current staff, Board, and volunteer team with a heart for your mission into a fundraising powerhouse you need to succeed.
Have you been thinking about becoming a grant consultant? Come learn more from Susan and Don about things you need to think about before making the leap!
In our work and everyday life, we encounter difficult and challenging situations and people. In this session you will determine your conflict management style and how to respond to conflict.
At every stage of your career, you deserve a career development strategy. This webinar will cover how to build your career development strategy to shift from a sense of merely surviving to truly thrive.
Many tribal governments sustain their nation with grant funding. A standardized grant management process is imperative for compliance and maximum drawdown. This webinar will address solutions to the challenges tribal communities face as well as best practices for managing their grant programs.
This session will present a set of concrete strategies that foundations can pursue to productively frame the public narrative around their causes (as well as what tactics they should avoid) based on the science of culture shifts.
Meaningful stakeholder engagement is involvement of constituencies as integral partners in advancing the work of organizations and institutions. As more funders embrace stakeholder engagement in the grantmaking process, what does this mean for grant seekers? In this webinar, we will explore why stakeholder engagement is integral to grant strategy and how grant professionals can help foster meaningful stakeholder engagement to support an organization’s development.
Do the words “Strategic Planning” fill you with dread—or even fear? Learn to creatively apply strategic planning tools to your grants planning process and reach new levels of success!
Participants will learn ways to enhance public speaking and presentation skills to present relevant, interesting information about a grant project that the audience will understand and remember. While focused on the skills you need in a public speaking or presentation situation, the skills learned here will also apply to individual conversations and group meetings. Learn how to convey ideas competently and confidently to 1 person or a room of thousands.
This session gives consultants an alternative for non-grant-ready callers, and a roadmap to help that new agency become a grant-ready, sustainable nonprofit (and client)!
Writing successful grant applications since the pandemic is harder than ever with changing federal requirements. Discover ways to increase the odds of developing winning proposals for federal funding.
“Responding to Change OVER Following a Plan” is the fourth Agile value in the Agile Manifesto. It is one that successful and sustainable nonprofit organizations abide by, whether they use the Agile label or not. In this session, we’ll look at how to embrace this value in your grant team to help your team thrive at a sustainable pace.
Thinking about becoming a grant consultant? Come hear more about the ride it can take to be a consultant and why it’s a joy as well.
So, you are thinking about becoming a grants consultant? Listen to this three-part series designed for the beginner, intermediate and advanced professional about what it takes and things to think of as you make the transition.
Learn about key Census Bureau data for grant applications and discover new ways to access them through live demonstrations of Data.Census.Gov and Census Business Builder!
This fast-paced interactive session will strip back the myths and mysteries surrounding the Logic Model Process ... and give you the tools and concepts you need to put the Logic Model to work for you!
Are you on the fence about becoming a grant consultant? Does going out on your own leave you excited or bring on a fearful cold sweat? Learn the pros and cons to help you make the right choice!
This presentation explains the unique nature of funding for for-profit companies. We will discuss the types of grants available to for-profit companies; provide a comparison between grants available to for-profit and non-profit organizations and discuss resources available for grant writers seeking to assist for-profit companies.
If you have ever wondered what it might be like to start your own consulting practice—or if you are newly down that path—you surely have many questions about this new career. From marketing to setting up shop to setting fees, join two veteran consultants as they present a fast-paced Q&A around the most common questions asked and the honest answers you have craved.
The uniform guidance is a living document. Revisions occur over time as new legislation and other requirements are implemented. There are other influences such as Executive Orders, Presidential Memos, and developments in technology and standard data elements. This webinar will highlight updates you should know.
The uniform guidance is a living document. Revisions occur over time. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a preview on September 21, 2023 of an extensive “redrafting.” This webinar is for everyone who works with federally-connected grants. Discover the changes, some very positive, with a cross-reference to the 2020 update, and take a deep breath! Final Rule expected by December.
Write a better application by incorporating formal arguments and storytelling into a grant narrative to better engage and inform the grant reviewer. Learn how and why in this presentation! Presented in an interactive format, attendees will learn the theories for integrating arguments into their grant narratives and discuss ways they might use this technique to improve their own grant narratives. We will also review potential source for data to strengthen your application.
A major shift is coming. Can you feel it? Community-centric fundraising is quickly gaining momentum around the sector. What does this mean for the grant profession? Based on the raw and real experiences of a diverse group of grant professionals, this session will examine how grant professionals put communities at the center of our own work and build the voice and power of communities.
Unexpected circumstances can arise during program implementation that includes changes in key personnel, no-cost extensions, re-budgeting, and others. Delve into common issues that arise when plans change, and how to best address change through the amendment process that requires approval by awarding agencies. The session includes handy templates to assist with amendment requests.
Getting to your next level of grants success shouldn’t be confusing. You can do it – here’s how! Wherever you are right now, this masterclass is for you! In this fast-paced, high-takeaway live online training, veteran grant professional and grantmaking officer Maryn Boess reveals GrantsMagic U’s unique Grants Success Path – the powerful 10-step road map that cuts through the often bewildering “grants wilderness” to lead you reliably to your next level of grants success.
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