Ask an Evaluator
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

This webinar will be largely participant-driven and responsive. Topics might include how to create logic models that inform measurement strategies, how to craft measurable and meaningful program goals and objectives, what systems need to be in place to gather required data, how to create a draft evaluation plan, what roles or training your clients need to improve internal measurement capabilities, and when it is time to bring in a professional evaluator. Please provide your questions prior to the webinar, as possible.


Amy Puca is a Senior Project Manager at Via Evaluation, a women-owned evaluation consulting firm. She has conducted a variety of evaluations for federal, state, and foundation grants over the past decade. She has worked with non-profits, schools, grant writers, and a variety of others to craft meaningful measures, evaluation plans, and data reports tailored to programs’ unique situations. And, she loves answering questions about evaluation!


Skill Level:

Learning Path: 

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Ask An Evaluator
Content Types:
If you have questions about measurement and evaluation, this webinar is for you. Amy Puca, a longtime grant and program evaluator, will be on the line to share information about the issues grant writers confront regarding data and evaluation, from the initial gathering of needs data from clients to enabling clients to report back to funders.
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