Grant Avengers Unite! Peer Consulting on Mega Projects
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources


Learn how seasoned grant consultants united their grant writing “superpowers” to tackle a challenging 8-figure grant project with the potential to transform thousands of people in an underserved rural region. Peer-to-Peer Consultants Kathy Hatfield and Kimberly Hays de Muga will engage participants in a no-holds-barred discussion of how to successfully navigate a $25 million proposal with more than 40 collaborators in less than eight weeks. Through storytelling from each viewpoint, they will describe the project, how their peer-to-peer partnership developed, how they handled contract negotiations, led work plans, program design, and evaluation while quickly completing the actual grant writing and gathering required documentation.  Sample checklists, work plans, and open discussions on lessons learned will round out the webinar, along with time for participants to share their experiences and ask questions.  


Kimberly Hays de Muga, GPC, is an expert trainer and coach in nonprofit capacity building, grant writing, fundraising, and board development with more than 25 years of fundraising experience. In 2018, she established Hays de Muga Consulting in 2018 and co-founded the award-winning podcast Fundraising HayDay.  Kimberly is the co-author of Preparing for the GPC Exam: Earn Your Grant Professional Certified Credential. She served on the GPA Board of Directors and as President of the Grant Professionals Foundation and the Georgia Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association. She enjoys writing historical fiction and drinking way too much tea.


Kathy Hatfield, GPC, is an accomplished professional with extensive grant development and leadership experience in the nonprofit sector. Over her twenty-plus year career, she has raised nearly $119 million in federal, state, and local awards for organizations to address critical community needs including runaway and homeless youth, survivors of interpersonal violence, persons who are homeless, among others. In 2016, Kathy achieved two milestones, opening a full-service grant consulting practice and obtaining her Grants Professional Certification (GPC). Her passion is to support and build capacity for nonprofits of various sizes and interests to better achieve their mission and visions. 


Skill Level:


Learning Track:


GPC Competencies:

Strategies for effective program and project design and development
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Originally Recorded: 

February 2023

Grant Avengers Unite! Peer Consulting on Mega Projects
Content Types:
Learning Objectives: Participants will learn analysis techniques to qualify projects for potential peer-to-peer consulting work Participants will receive tools to assess their strengths and weaknesses and those of a potential peer consultant as they relate to the grant development process Participants will receive tips on negotiating contingencies and preparing for unexpected scenarios on tight deadlines.
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