Agile Leadership in NonProfit Teams
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

An important skill for grant professionals is understanding organizational development as it relates to grant seeking best practices which is why we have the GPC competency focused on "organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking." The key element to understand about Agile values and principles is that they are adaptable in all organizations from small grassroots nonprofits to large nonprofit institutions like health care systems and higher education. Agile leadership in nonprofits focuses on empowering nonprofit professionals, regardless of their title, to embrace how they can serve as a leader within their teams. Whether a grant team, strategic planning team, or special event team, every team Some answers will not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to #12. member can serve as an Agile leader and improve their results. The learning goal for the session is to expand grant professional's understanding of Agile leadership and how Agile values and principles can be utilized in their team settings. Specifically, participants will learn:

- How the Agile values align with their grant seeking organization's mission and vision;

- How to exhibit Agile leadership in an organization regardless of their title;

- How to exhibit Agile leadership regardless of the size of their organization;

- How to empower peers as fellow Agile leaders; and

- How to utilize Agile principles to improve grant team(s). 


Diane H. Leonard, GPC, CSPO, CSM is the co-creator of the Scrum Master for Nonprofits course with Scrum Inc., a Licensed Scrum Trainer, and also an approved trainer of the Grant Professionals Association. Diane and her team at DH Leonard Consulting have been building nonprofit capacity since 2006 through grant seeking support and organizational development. When not working with clients, Diane can be found in the 1000 Islands, out for a run, or drinking a strong cup of coffee. 

Skill Level:

Advanced/Master Level

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Practices and Services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Agile Leadership in NonProfit Teams
Content Types:
Agile leadership in nonprofits focuses on empowering nonprofit professionals, regardless of their title, to embrace the role they can play as a leader within their teams (especially grant teams!).
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