Simplifying Federal Grant Mgmt: How Four Pillars of Success Create a Framework for Compliance
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

With the approval of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act), nearly $2 trillion in federal funding became discretionary grant opportunities. While many organizations have seen their grant budgets increase dramatically, many lack the resources, awareness, and expertise to appropriately manage these funds. The long list of 884 federal grant management “musts” in 2 CFR Part 200 aka, the Uniform Guidance, can feel overwhelming.

During this session, Lucy will show how to implement a simple four-pillar framework for successfully managing your federal grants with practical examples for attendees. This will be a virtual-only session and be predominantly instructor-driven, with time for Q&A at the end. 


Lucy Morgan is a highly regarded GPA Approved Trainer whose teaching techniques come from over 15 years of real-world experience in federal grant management. She regularly trains grant professionals from the United States and the broader global grant community on practical ways to comply with the complicated rules in the Administrative Requirements and Cost Principles for federal grants. She provides people of all professional backgrounds with useful tips and guidance to advance their careers and make a bigger difference in the world through federal grants.

Skill Level:


Learning Track: 
Federal Grants


GPC Competencies:
Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Simplifying Federal Grant Mgmt: How Four Pillars of Success Create a Framework for Compliance
Content Types:
Overwhelmed with managing federal grants? Discover how to confidently use our four pillars of success across a wide spectrum of requirements with practical tips to overcome compliance challenges.
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