Soaring with Cultural Intelligence
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to manage and navigate in intercultural settings. This could include business, ethnicity, family, community, and all of society. As the world becomes more and more intercultural, it is incumbent upon us to understand those we work and live with and around. Participants will enhance their methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between organizations, their donors, and potential funders.

This presentation will include the 4-factor dimension of CQ, the 10 cultural values that are seen in all societies, and a short presentation on unconscious bias. 

The 4-factor dimension of CQ consists of the constructs of knowledge (one's ability to understand other cultures), strategy (one's ability to plan while among other cultures), drive (one's internal and external motivation), and action (one's ability to respond while in intercultural settings). 

The 10 cultural values are: individualism vs. collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, cooperative vs. competitive, time orientation, context, being vs. doing, universalism vs. particularism, expressiveness, and focus. These values exist in every society and organization. Learning them allows us to understand others greater.

Attendees will break-out into teams (groups) and create a cultural competency action plan. Input from session attendees is extremely important. Breakout groups will give everyone the opportunity to ask questions, give input, and dialogue.

A few benefits of joining this workshop include enhanced sensitivity to differing cultures and a cultural awareness that allows participants to engage many cultures that are not their own.


Dr. Stokes has spent over 25 years in higher education as a basketball coach and professor.  She is the owner of Stokes Consulting, LLC, a professional development firm, and President/CEO of Dee Stokes Ministries, Inc., a cross-cultural non-profit. She holds degrees in Sociology (BA), Public Administration (MPA), and Education (Ed.S. & Ed.D. in Ed. Leadership). Dr. Stokes speaks globally and partners with many organizations, and is heavily involved in serving her community.

Skill Level:
All Career Levels

Learning Path: 

GPC Competencies:
Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders


Soaring with Cultural Intelligence
Content Types:
Now's the time that we truly understand Cultural Intelligence (CQ). (CQ) is the ability to understand intercultural settings thereby enhancing written communication between grant writers and funders.
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