Stewardship in Seattle: Best Practices for Grantor Stewardship During COVID-19 and Beyond
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

The funding landscape has changed drastically over the past year. Although widely used best practices and "tried and true" donor stewardship activities exist and have demonstrated success for decades, new methods and strategies have emerged during the pandemic. Learning new, effective ways to steward funders often leads to securing additional funding for your organization. After engaging in hundreds of interactions with municipal, federal, corporate, and foundation funders over the past year, participants will learn stewardship strategies from two consultants who have lived in the trenches, not only over the last two decades, but every day during the pandemic.


A frequent presenter at GPA and AFP conferences, Linda Wastyn has more than 34 years of grant writing experience in higher education and in multiple sectors as a consultant for the last 10+ years. With degrees in communication and rhetoric, she has taught undergraduate communication and fundraising classes and graduate classes on leadership communication and strategic communication as well as presentations on fundraising and organizational effectiveness for GPA, AFP, and other organizations.

A grant professional for more than 14 years and a consultant for 10 years, Kim Joyce works with multiple clients and provides grant writing services, donor cultivation coaching, grant research, as well as grant office assessments. She provides leadership and grant writing trainings for nonprofits, community foundations, and tribes. She has assisted clients in winning more than $111M in grant awards. Kim is a Grant Professional Certified and is one of only 18 GPCs in the state of Arizona.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Prospect Research/Donor Relations

GPC Competencies:
Nationally recognized standards of ethical practice by grant developers

Methods and strategies that cultivate and maintain relationships between fund-seeking and recipient organizations and funders

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Stewardship in Seattle: Best Practices for Grantor Stewardship During COVID-19 and Beyond
Content Types:
Learn best practices and new, unique ways of strategically connecting with, and stewarding, funders to maximize your grant success both during COVID-19 and beyond.
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