19 (Closed courses will not be included.)
  • Overview
Recorded webinars that do not fall in any other track.
This presentation will cover the highlights and trends in compensation and benefits for grant professionals identified in the 2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits survey. This webinar is free to all who wish to attend.
Join us for a dynamic session led by Philip Deng,  where we demystify the intersection of AI and grant writing. This workshop will debunk common myths surrounding the role of AI in the grant writing process. Through discussion and practical examples, participants will gain insights into how AI can enhance the craft of grant writing.
The importance of mentoring to grant professionals from the perspective of both mentor and mentee.
A colleague hands you a grant that doesn’t fit your organization’s needs OR your schedule, and you’re expected to (literally) take it. No more! Come learn a #grantpro move that prioritizes your time, talent, and success. Learn how to just say “NO!”
Each day grant professionals must meet the expectations of their board, leadership and constituents. How is it possible to stay on track and manage multiple priorities, oversee other staff and meet grant deadlines and reporting requirements? This session will dive into some do-it-yourself Microsoft Excel tools to help streamline work and support organizational efficiencies.
Learn about and discuss the GPA Code of Ethics. This version is intended for those who are full-time employed grant professionals.
This webinar on GPC Virtual Study Groups: How to Plan, Facilitate, and Participate in a Live National Learning Experience will present effective methods, resources, results and recommendations from facilitators of the first live national GPC Study Group conducted from February to April 2018. The group presented an exciting opportunity to learn together and effectively assist regular attendees in studying for and passing the GPC exam. Grant professionals who are interested in facilitating future groups for a
Join a fast-paced, interactive session that covers 14 grant ethics scenarios and solutions in the form of a game of bingo with prizes for the first few winners. A brief Q&A session on ethics follows.
What does your grant readiness score mean? How does it compare to other organizations? Learn about common strengths and weaknesses seen amongst grant seeking organizations and how to address them.
Based on Susan’s book by the same name, in this hands-on session, participants will learn the key building blocks of a successful fundraising program; determine their organizations’ readiness to embrace fundraising; learn the primary fundraising vehicles used by professional fundraisers; and identify specific steps they can take to implement a fundraising program in their organizations.
This webinar will share practical how-to information for experienced grant professionals to prepare for and apply to become a GPA Approved Trainer along with the career and business benefits.
Do the words “Strategic Planning” fill you with dread—or even fear? Learn to creatively apply strategic planning tools to your grants planning process and reach new levels of success!
Participants will learn ways to enhance public speaking and presentation skills to present relevant, interesting information about a grant project that the audience will understand and remember. While focused on the skills you need in a public speaking or presentation situation, the skills learned here will also apply to individual conversations and group meetings. Learn how to convey ideas competently and confidently to 1 person or a room of thousands.
If you’ve ever wondered how to advance your grants work toward larger leadership positions, this session will offer an insider’s view. This interview-style webinar will reveal the story of a junior hire who elevated her nonprofit’s private grants portfolio—and her career. Her trajectory points at a virtuous cycle useful to all ambitious grant professionals.
“Responding to Change OVER Following a Plan” is the fourth Agile value in the Agile Manifesto. It is one that successful and sustainable nonprofit organizations abide by, whether they use the Agile label or not. In this session, we’ll look at how to embrace this value in your grant team to help your team thrive at a sustainable pace.
In a COVID-19 world, nonprofit professionals have continued to shift their priorities, projects, working habits and team members. This can make work incredibly inefficient and difficult to manage. We’ll discuss better ways to become successful in a changing environment and think about the impact in the long-term.
Many corporations and foundations are consolidating their giving into fewer, larger awards. No matter the size of your nonprofit, you can benefit from the specialized strategies that lead to significant private grants. Join our webinar as we discuss the key differences between competing for your nonprofit’s annual awards and those that stand to make up your largest private grants to date.
A major shift is coming. Can you feel it? Community-centric fundraising is quickly gaining momentum around the sector. What does this mean for the grant profession? Based on the raw and real experiences of a diverse group of grant professionals, this session will examine how grant professionals put communities at the center of our own work and build the voice and power of communities.
Getting to your next level of grants success shouldn’t be confusing. You can do it – here’s how! Wherever you are right now, this masterclass is for you! In this fast-paced, high-takeaway live online training, veteran grant professional and grantmaking officer Maryn Boess reveals GrantsMagic U’s unique Grants Success Path – the powerful 10-step road map that cuts through the often bewildering “grants wilderness” to lead you reliably to your next level of grants success.
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