Strategic Planning for Soloprenuers: How to use strategic planning to transform your consulting practice.
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Is your consulting practice overwhelming? Are you constantly running from one project to the next? Are you too busy to pivot the business towards the clients you REALLY want? Is the business going great, but you know you have more to give and aren't sure what to offer next?  If you've answered yes to any of these questions, strategic planning can help you.  Join consultants Julie Boll and Stephanie Davidson to explore the strategic planning framework and apply it to your business.  Julie and Stephanie will share how they have used strategic planning in their businesses, and how structured reflection and goal setting has influenced their business growth. You will learn about the strategic planning process; key metrics you can use to track the success of your business; strategies to move from the scarcity-based thinking that is keeping you stuck to intentional, growth-oriented thinking; and finally, how to drill down to what matters most to you in your business and how you will get there. Participants will have access to a strategic planning template that can be tailored to their business. This workshop is designed for established business owners, however, the strategic planning process will be helpful to those thinking about moving into consulting as well. 


Julie Boll is the founder of Julie Boll Consulting, a consulting firm dedicated to helping people and organizations make the most of their time, energy and resources so they can maximize their impact on the community. Julie is passionate about supporting powerful, dynamic and impactful leaders and organizations that are accountable, visionary and always growing and improving. She is a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, an empirically based courage-building program by Dr. Brené Brown.

Stephanie  is a nonprofit consultant who specializes in funder engagement, fundraising strategy, board development, and grant management. Stephanie has helped raise over $19 million dollars for Kentucky nonprofits since 2013. Stephanie is a trained Compression Planning® facilitator.  She received her Certificate in Professional Fundraising from Boston University in 2015. Stephanie has a Master's Degree in English from the University of Louisville.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 

GPC Competencies:
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Strategic Planning for Soloprenuers: How to use strategic planning to transform your consulting practice.
Content Types:
Learn how to use strategic planning in your consulting business to ensure you are investing your time and resources into the things that matter. Warning: results may be transformative.
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