The Cost of Doing Business: Does Your Budget Tell Funders the Whole Story?
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
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Just as your proposal narrative tells the story of your program and the need it meets in your community, so can your BUDGET tell, and reinforce, your story, with numbers. To some of your grant reviewers (the accountants or CPAs, bankers, financial planners, etc. that populate your funder's board), it is the first and sometimes ONLY document they are interested in. It should not get a short shift.


Carolyn Caldwell, GPC, CFRE, is Principal of Raising Awareness, Raising Funds, LLC. She works to identify new funding sources and secure grant funds for non-profits throughout the U.S. She has acted as grant reviewer for several state agencies, and has taught Grant Writing Basics and Logic Model principles. Grant Professional Certified since 2016, Certified Fund Raising Executive since 2019. Bachelor's degrees in both Journalism and Theatre from University of South Florida.     

Lisa M. Sihvonen-Binder has an MS, Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy and BA, Writing. She has 13 years of consulting experience and 20+ years of experience in publications and program management. She is a member of the Grant Professionals Association; Board President for a local nonprofit serving individuals impacted by cancer; adjunct faculty for a graduate nonprofit management program; former Grant Professionals Foundation board member; and has edited several books for CharityChannel Press.

Crystal is the Administrative Executive at Melissa’s House, a nonprofit committed to restoring hope for those with mental illness. She has a profound passion for nonprofits and has dedicated her career to working and volunteering with numerous including AARP, YMCA of Central Ohio, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio History Center, and Easter Seals. Crystal has worked with the Federal Government and served in the U.S. Navy as well.

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Strategies for effective program and project design and development Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking


The Cost of Doing Business: Does Your Budget Tell Funders the Whole Story?
Content Types:
How much is your program really costing you? Two grant pros and a finance pro discuss how to budget your program's actual costs, so you're not leaving money on the table or costing your agency.
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