Writing With Passion and Power: An Essential Leadership Skill
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Writing with Passion and Power will ask you why are you writing in the first place, give you the ABCs of what you need to know, give tips for effective writing, give constructive feedback and focus on a “writing-positive” culture.

Dalya F Massachi

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct and submit an effective grant application
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers 


Writing With Passion and Power: An Essential Leadership Skill
Content Types:
Writing with Passion and Power will ask you why are you writing in the first place, give you the ABCs of what you need to know, give tips for effective writing, give constructive feedback and focus on a “writing-positive” culture.
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