The Importance of Professional Mentoring
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Three members of the GPA Mentoring Committee will discuss the value of mentoring for the grant professional, both as a mentor and as a mentee, including responsibilities and expectations, as well as the importance of distinguishing between mentoring and coaching. The members will also provide details on GPA’s Mentor Match Program, along with a new Chapter Level Program that is currently under development. The material will be presented as an informal lecture, with “pause points” throughout for questions from participants. 



From 2003-2022, Patricia Duboise, GPC, managed an annual portfolio of $8+ million in grants for Mercy Care, a federally qualified health center. She is currently Director, Grant Initiatives, for 3Keys, Inc., a permanent supportive housing provider, and is a subcontractor with Alloy Fundraising and with Boyd Grants. She is an active member of the Grant Professionals Association. In 2021, she co-authored the article BIGGER than Burnout: Strategies for Winning the Silent Battle, published in Vol. 19 of the GPA Journal.


Theresa Fowler, GPC, is an experienced grant professional with 22 years in the field. As a staff member or consultant, she has worked with numerous nonprofits, K-12 districts, county offices of education, and government agencies in every part of the grant cycle. Her passion is to help lead organizations in their grant journey to increase capacity and impact. She has successfully secured over $123 million in grant funding from local, state, and federal sources. Theresa joined GPA in 2019 and currently serves on the program and mentoring committees.  She has an MA from CSU Long Beach and earned her GPC in 2021.


Skill Level:

All Career Levels


Learning Track:

Personal Growth

Other (Professional Development)


GPC Competencies:

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Originally Recorded:

June 2024

The Importance of Professional Mentoring
Content Types:
The importance of mentoring to grant professionals from the perspective of both mentor and mentee.
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