How the Needs Section Sets the Stage for Your Application (and why you must get a perfect score)!
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Karen and Andrew will dig deep into the needs section, providing real-world examples that show what data they use, how it is presented, and why the present things they way they do. They will share with attendees a list of data sources that they use in their practice and highlight how they present data to both set-up the project methodology, and get every point awarded in the needs section. Participants will be given sections of an RFP and asked to score the needs section focusing on effective presentation of data.


Karen L. Cassidy, GPC and President of Governmental Grants Professionals LLC, began her career in the US House of Representatives working for Congressmen Bob Wise and Dick Gephardt. Transitioning into the nonprofit field, Karen applied her knowledge to help educational institutions and nonprofit organizations obtain and manage nearly $750 million in grant awards. With nearly 30 years of experience, and a success rate exceeding 90 percent, Karen is recognized as an expert in federal grants.

In addition to being Karen's son, Andrew has worked with Karen for more than five years to dig deep for the data that helps Karen consistently earn 100% of the points in the needs section of federal grants. Andrew is adept at finding relevant (and obscure) data that makes all of the difference in expressing the needs of communities, individuals, and organizations, allowing Karen to tie it all together to present an effective picture with data and anecdotal information..

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Federal Grants

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

How the Needs Section Sets the Stage for Your Application (and why you must get a perfect score)!
Content Types:
In federal grants the needs section sets the stage for your entire proposal. This session will take a deep dive into the needs section and how to find and present data for a perfect score!
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