2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits Survey Overview
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

The Grant Professionals Association (GPA) conducted its annual salary and benefits survey of grant professionals in the summer of 2023. Distributed to active GPA members, non-members, and prospects, the survey resulted in 2,305 total responses, including a 30% participation rate among current GPA members.

As the seventeenth annual survey of its kind, the 2023 survey collected considerable open-ended information and provided a consistent basis for comparing salaries, compensation, and benefits practices reliably year over year. This presentation will cover trends for grant professionals employed by an organization and those who work as independent consultants.


To purchase the full 2023 Compensation Survey, please visit: 2023 GPA Compensation & Benefits Information - Grant Professionals Association



Mike Chamberlain is the Chief Executive Officer of the Grant Professionals Association.


Skill Level:

Early Career

Learning Track:

Personal Growth


GPC Competencies:

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Originally Recorded:

June 2024

2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits Survey Overview
Content Types:
This presentation will cover the highlights and trends in compensation and benefits for grant professionals identified in the 2023 GPA Compensation and Benefits survey. This webinar is free to all who wish to attend.
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