FEMA: Procurement Under Grants 101
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

The FEMA: Procurement Under Grants 101 session provides an overview of the rules and requirements for FEMA grant recipients and subrecipients when purchasing under their FEMA award. The presentation will cover the rules applicable for state and non-state entities, full and open competition, methods of procurement, exigency or emergency circumstances, and other key considerations for contracting. This session will also cover other instances of proper sole sourcing along with ways to ensure full and open competition during normal procurement circumstances. In addition, the top findings of procurement non-compliance will be discussed along with information, tools, and resources on how to combat these issues of non-compliance. 


Chris Simone is a Program Specialist with the Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT). With PDAT, Chris manages the Team's deployments and trainings, and plays a role in procurement under grants policy guidance and development. 

Chris has been with FEMA in since 2017, having worked in a variety of departments within FEMA including the Office of the Executive Secretariat, Grant Programs Directorate, and Office of the Chief Counsel.  Chris graduated from Arizona State University with a B.A. in Political Science and graduated from the George Washington University with an M.P.S. in Political Management. 

Skill Level:




Learning Track:

Federal Grants


GPC Competencies:

Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Originally Recorded:

May 2024

FEMA: Procurement Under Grants 101
Content Types:
The FEMA: Procurement Under Grants 101 session provides an overview of the rules and requirements for FEMA grant recipients and subrecipients when purchasing under their FEMA award. The presentation will cover the rules applicable for state and non-state entities, full and open competition, methods of procurement, exigency or emergency circumstances, and other key considerations for contracting.
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