Grant Writing with the Infinity Gauntlet: Pro Writing Tips and the Reality Stone
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Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
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In the Marvel Universe comic books and movies, six "Infinity Stones" represent six different aspects of the universe and endow the person who wields the stones with immense powers. The "Reality Stone" gives the user the ability to warp reality at will, granting complete subjective influence over the universe. How cool would that be for a Grant Professional? If we wished for a perfect grant proposal, we could create it at will, without the need for responsive subject matter experts, smooth administrative processes, and clear application guidelines.

Instead of searching the universe for the Reality Stone, this session will provide professional writing tips that allow Grant Professionals to shape the reality of their proposals like an all-powerful professional writer:

1. Restate requirements as questions. It is harder for a person to respond to a list than it is to answer a question. When a Request for Proposals or Notice of Funding Opportunity lists requirements for the proposal, re-write the requirements in the form of questions. Then answer them.

2. Free-write an ugly first draft. Aiming for perfection in a first draft will cost unnecessary time, energy, and heartache. Do not let an abundance of small decisions get in the way of putting down the big ideas first.

3. Would this make sense in the newspaper? In order to ensure a clear, concise, and cohesive final proposal, imagine you see it published in the newspaper. Would a reader have enough context to understand the problem and solution? Is the word choice appropriate? Has jargon been removed?


Carson Bennett is the Director of Grants Management at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). Before becoming Director, Carson helped to establish the first internal Grants Office at CNM as a Grant Writer. Since then, the Grant Management Office at CNM has grown to three staff and assists with documents such as contracts, legislative information requests, and other critical proposals.

Carson has taught college-level writing courses since 2004 at numerous institutions of higher education

Madison Haas, a Grant Writer at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), has worked in the professional writing sector for just under three years. Ms. Haas earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of New Mexico and is currently working toward an MA in Communication. Before working at CNM, Ms. Haas was a Technical Writer at Sandia National Labs. In addition to writing, Ms. Haas has presented grant writing techniques and information at CNM's Faculty Focus Day.

Maren Stockhoff has worked as a Resource Development Officer at "The Grant Plant," a private company that provides grant seeking, writing, and reporting services for non-profit organizations throughout New Mexico. She has served as Senior Writer in the Development Office at the University of California, San Diego, where she wrote and edited grant proposals, impact reports, development communications, marketing collateral, and website content. Maren has also helped to establish the Grants Office

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Proposal Development/Communication Strategies

GPC Competencies:
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Ability to write a convincing case for funding

Grant Writing with the Infinity Gauntlet: Pro Writing Tips and the Reality Stone
Content Types:
If only Grant Writers could wield the ultimate power of the Infinity Stones! This session provides pro writing tactics that can replace the need for the Reality Stone. Create your own reality!
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