Evidence-Based Program Design
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Many funding agencies, especially state and federal agencies, are now asking grant applicants to demonstrate an evidence basis for the program they are proposing. This can mean different things to different funders.


This session will explore some of the most common expectations from funding agencies and how they communicate this in their funding notices (with excerpts from such funding notices provided in the webinar). 


The speaker will provide the characteristics of the different levels of evidence that grant professionals usually encounter.

The session will then focus on how to find evidence-based programs for linking to grant proposals and will demonstrate, with examples, how to incorporate this information into proposals to earn maximum points from reviewers.



Cheryl Kester Thomas, CFRE, GPC, is owner of The Kester Group, a firm specializing in federal grants and external evaluations. Since 1999 her proposals have raised more than $198 million. She is a former national board member for the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and a GPA Distinguished Fellow. She loves speaking to GPA chapters, talking people into joining GPA, and dark chocolate. A frequent speaker and trainer, she is a GPA Approved Trainer and the co-author of Writing to Win Federal Grants and the Writing to Win Workbook.


Skill Level:



Learning Tracks:

Federal Grants

Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

Strategies for effective program and project design and development

How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers 


Originally Recorded:

April 2024

Evidence-Based Program Design
Content Types:
What does a funder mean when they require you to use an evidence-based or evidence-informed program design? This session will help you learn the varying levels of evidence expected by different funders, how to find models upon which to base your program, and how to explain all of this in your application.
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