Boss Talk: How and When to Say NO!
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Every single person in the workplace has a supervisor. Period. They may be bad, unreachable, rude, dumb, whatever, but we have one. And their role is to… wait for it… supervise. Unfortunately, they often don't know how to do that with us. We are #grantpros. We are outliers. 


So, to keep our sanity, we must help our bosses understand what we do. More precisely, we must help them understand how much time and skill it takes to complete that work. That does not—DOES NOT—include working more hours than anyone else around us or accepting more and more and more projects that drain our energy with little positive return. Believe it or not, in most states, it is illegal for an employer to expect us to consistently work a lot of overtime. A few hours occasionally? Yes. A consistent 55+ hours per week? NO!


But can we really shift from unreasonably high expectations to a more realistic workload?


Yes. We. Can! 


In this session, we will talk about time, effort, and talent and how we can use a consistent, intentional system of tracking to educate others—including supervisors—for the good of our organizations and ourselves.


It’s really simple. It really works. And we really do owe it to ourselves to get this right!


Johna Rodgers, GPC, has for nearly 30 years helped organizations of all types and sizes address their most critical needs—at the federal, state, corporate, and grassroots levels. In 2015, she opened Johna Rodgers Consulting, LLC, a full-service consulting agency. Johna is immediate past President of the Grant Professional Association (GPA), a GPA Approved Trainer, and a national trainer for Grant Writing USA. Johna was inducted into the Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows. She lives and works from her front porch in Bowling Green, KY.


Skill Level:

Early Career


Learning Track:

Other: Professionalism, self-preservation, career longevity    


GPC Competencies:

Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Originally Recorded:

March 2024

Boss Talk: How and when to say NO!
Content Types:
A colleague hands you a grant that doesn’t fit your organization’s needs OR your schedule, and you’re expected to (literally) take it. No more! Come learn a #grantpro move that prioritizes your time, talent, and success. Learn how to just say “NO!”
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