Preparing for Post Award
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Grant professionals have all heard this question, “We got the grant now what happens?” ... This session will focus on “now what”. The post-award process is as critical to the grant lifecycle as the pre-award process, if you understand the best practices of post-award management before you get the grant you have the edge. 


The presentation consists of 5 key areas: 
Components of Compliance
Post Award – Best Practices
Grant Budgets and Cost Allowability
Reporting- Programmatic and Financial



Kristen Krey is the Director of Government and Community Engagement at Kim Joyce and Associates. She has over thirty years of public service with direct experience in Public Safety, Community Services/Engagement, and Grants Management. She has a proven track record of executive leadership, delivering results-driven approaches, providing strategic advisory services, and successfully leading complex projects. She has also created and delivered training in numerous disciplines, including Grants Management, Project Management, Leadership Development, and Public Safety. Kristen has a BA in Criminal Justice and Political Science, an MA in Organizational Management and is a CPM, Certified Public Manager. 


Skill Level:

All Career Levels


Learning Track:

Grant Management/Budgets


GPC Competencies:

Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Originally Recorded: 

January 2024

Preparing for Post Award
Content Types:
Grant professionals have all heard this question, “We got the grant now what happens?” ... This session will focus on “now what”. The post-award process is as critical to the grant lifecycle as the pre-award process, if you understand the best practices of post-award management before you get the grant you have the edge.
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