Managing the Chaos: Keeping Tabs on Your Grant Data
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

When I started seeking grants in the early 90s, things were pretty straightforward: you mailed a great proposal to a funder and got a check. You would follow up with a thank you note and send your annual report. DONE!


Today, the list of items we have to track is expanding faster than the universe (which is about 11 million miles a minute because I’m a nerd). The checks aren’t much bigger, and our resources are actually shrinking. So how can you manage the chaos? 


This webinar includes lecture, examples, and downloadable worksheets/templates that will help you tame the chaos. We’ll discuss the key sources of chaos and strategies to overcome them. You’ll be able to post your burning questions and I’ll address them before the end of the session.


This webinar is a promotional webinar by GPA's Annual Sponsor.  However, Grant Holster is one of many tools discussed, along with other free, low-cost, and high-cost resources available for you.



With 30+ years of nonprofit experience, Dana has helped clients raise more than $50 million in government, foundation, and corporate grants. Last year, Dana was named the Outstanding Professional Fundraiser for the Northeast OK chapter of AFP. 


Dana was the first person in OK to earn dual certification as Certified Fund Raising Executive and Grant Professional Certified. She is an adjunct professor at Oklahoma State University, teaching nonprofit management courses, and regularly teaches grant-seeking seminars nationwide. 


In 2020 Dana designed and launched Grant Holster, the first cloud-based application created for grant professionals BY a grant professional.

Skill Level:




Learning Tracks:


Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs

How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Post-award grant management practices sufficient to inform effective grant design and development


Originally Recorded:

October 2023

Managing the Chaos: Keeping Tabs on Your Grant Data
Content Types:
Deadlines, outcomes, funder profiles, word limits, LOIs, reports – grant professionals have an ever-expanding list of things to keep track of. In this webinar, you’ll get some practical strategies you can implement right away to help you organize your work and keep vital information at your fingertips. *This webinar is a promotional webinar by GPA's Annual Sponsor.
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