Funding Equity in Higher Education through Grants
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Guiding participants from the abstract to specific, this session celebrates how a strategic approach to federal grant seeking advances equity on campus and in the workforce. Session topics include strategies to identify and address equity gaps, defining equity populations, a review of equity-centered federal funding opportunities, and real-life examples from EGS clients who have increased equity through grants.

The “needs” section is a challenging one for grant writers proposing projects that focus on equity. Funders often require you to show that your target population is lacking something (income, educational achievement, etc.), making it easy for a grant writer to utilize a problem-solution model that focuses solely on the negative aspects of a community. This session will explore options for writing in a community- or asset-based approach that centers on a community’s strengths while acknowledging the challenges to be addressed in the project.

The session will include an overview of how funders – especially federal funders – are approaching equity, and present examples of institutions that have made significant progress towards equity through grant-funded



Brian Byrnes is a grants professional within the higher education and environmental fields. He entered higher education at Delaware County Community College, serving five years as Grant Writer after a decade at nonprofit conservation groups. He earned a Master of Environmental Studies degree from the Univ. of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Biology from Swarthmore College. At Ellucian, Brian uses his diverse skills and experiences to assist client institutions to develop successful grant programs.

With a passion for the transformational power of education and supporting equity in student success, Rhyan Romaine is a grant writing professional, working with colleges and universities to secure external funds and strategize solutions that strengthen institutions, especially those with a focus on equity. Rhyan draws on her extensive experience with federal, foundation, and local funding programs to assist institutions with grants strategic planning, project planning, grant writing, compliance monitoring, and conducting program evaluation and market assessments.


Skill Level:




Learning Track:

Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Ability to write a convincing case for funding


Originally Recorded:

September 2023

Funding Equity in Higher Education through Grants
Content Types:
A strategic approach to grant seeking can advance equity on campus. The session will include guidance on writing styles for equity-focused projects, and real-life examples of grants improving equity.
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