Swipe Right…Then What? Happiness & Success with Your Perfect (Client) Match
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

As grantwriters who work as or with consultants, we sometimes underestimate our ability to influence our own professional satisfaction through careful choices. The journey to work happiness starts with choosing client/client relationships that are the best fit for your interests, temperament, work style, and values. 

The key to mastering this feat is developing your own set of guidelines that will lead to that (near) Perfect Match. This workshop will use dating apps as a metaphor to discuss common challenges in choosing clients or consultants that are aligned to your preferences and provide strategies for making wiser choices. We’ll also explore potential pitfalls of early-stage consultant-client relationships and ways to set the stage for success right from the start by establishing effective communication that builds trust.

Topics within the session will include:
•    Considering Your Options
•    Compatibility Priorities
•    Building your ideal partner profile
•    Implementing your personal guideline
•    Avoiding match creep
•    Keys to a strong partnership



Lisa McAloney has over 30 years’ experience working in the nonprofit sector, providing leadership in fundraising, program development, and foundation management. She started NEOH Solutions in 2018, providing consulting services to nonprofits and foundations. Previous work experiences include a grants consulting firm, a rape crisis center, and a healthcare conversion foundation.


Throughout a 35-year career, Lisa Stofan has worked with over 75 organizations as consultant, executive director, program manager, and board member. She is a proven leader, providing strategic counsel and effective management. As a GPC, Lisa enjoys learning from and sharing knowledge with professional colleagues across the country.


Skill Level:



Learning Track:



GPC Competencies:

Strategies for effective program and project design and development

Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking


Originally Recorded:

September 2023

Swipe Right…Then What? Happiness & Success with Your Perfect (Client) Match
Content Types:
This session will help consultants increase their happiness and success by offering strategies for finding clients that are a good match to their values, interests, temperament, and work style.
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