Webinar: Make Your Proposal Shine: Tips from the World of Professional Copyeditors
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description:

Grant professionals often face rushed proposal timelines and limited staff resources, with little time for editing and increased chances for errors. Yet a careful level of editing allows a reviewer to focus, undistracted, on a proposal, digest key messages, and award evaluation points. Led by a professional copyeditor, this session will share key tools and strategies used by copyeditors that can be applied to writing and editing grant proposals. Grant professionals will learn key concepts of copyediting and identify 5-7 editing strategies to use in future grant proposals.



David Lindeman, GPC, CFRE, is a credentialed grant professional and copyeditor with over 25 years of experience developing and editing grant proposals. As president of Global Grant Solutions, he provides nonprofit organizations with grant development, writing, and editing services for a variety of domestic and international programs. In addition to proposals, he edits books, journal articles, chapters, annual reports, and other materials. He has presented at GPA and American Copy Editors Society (ACES) national conferences on editing grant proposals. He holds the GPC and CFRE credentials and a certificate in copyediting from the University of California, San Diego.


Skill Level:




Learning Track:

Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application

Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Ability to write a convincing case for funding


Originally Recorded:

July 2023

GPA Webinar: Make Your Proposal Shine: Tips from the World of Professional Copyeditors
Content Types:
A well-edited grant proposal is critical in today’s competitive landscape—even when you have little time and few resources. Learn strategies used by professional copyeditors for your next proposal.
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