Crafting Great Grant Budgets
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Great grant budgets help tell your story, are easy for review panels to read, and serve as a guide to implementing the grant upon award. As grant pros, we take a proactive role in finalizing the budget for the grant proposal. 

This workshop will give you tools and resources to enable you to craft quality budgets that meet funder expectations. Key points we will cover include:

  • Making the organizational budget funder-friendly
  • How budgets differ for different types of proposals (capital vs. general operating vs. program)
  • Where those numbers come from
  • Showing matching funds and in-kind support
  • Federal versus private foundation budgets
  • Budget narratives to wrap it all up in a bow

You will leave the workshop with a budget checklist and some sample budget styles for different types of proposals.

Crafting Great Grant Budgets
Content Types:
Great grant budgets are essential to your proposal, just as essential as your prize-worth prose. We’ve got to be strategic about our grant budgets, and different types of proposals demand different types of budgets. Come to this not-a-math-person, not-an-accountant workshop to hone your skills at telling a story with numbers (and with a budget justification).
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