Grant Writing in the Age of AI: A Peer-to-Peer Town Hall about Facts, Fears, & Future
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Webinar Description: 

Wondering how AI will impact your career? Want to know what tools are available and how to use them ethically? This is the event for you! As a grant writing professional, staying ahead of the curve is critical to success. This unique, peer-to-peer discussion will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your own insights  and engage in informed conversations about the future of the field.


Led by Your Nerdy Best Friend, Beth Z, this online town hall will take you on a journey of discovery about the impact of AI writing tools on the grant writing profession. Beth Z will set the stage with an overview of the latest AI news and tools. Then you will join your peers in small, interactive groups to explore the ethical considerations, job loss concerns, accuracy and plagiarism issues, copyright challenges and much more.



Meet Your New Nerdy Best Friend…


Beth Ziesenis: Author. Speaker. Nerd.


Since her firrst Motorola RAZR fkip phone, Beth has made a verb out of the word "nerd." She's here to help you {lter through thousands of apps, gadgets, widgets and doodads to {nd the perfect free and bargain technology tools for work and home. Although the only real trophy she ever won was for making perfect French fries at McDonald's in high school, Beth Z has been featured on Best Speaker lists by several organizations that write best speaker lists. She has written a whole shelf of books on apps and has spoken to more than 100 thousand audience members just like you. And if you're puzzling over why she goes by "Beth Z"... it's because she only finds about three people a year who can pronounce her last name.


Skill Level:



Learning Track:

Personal Growth


GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development
How to craft, construct, and submit an effective grant application
Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers


Originally Recorded: 

June 2023

Grant Writing in the Age of AI: A Peer-to-Peer Town Hall about Facts, Fears, & Future
Content Types:
Wondering how AI will impact your career? Want to know what tools are available and how to use them ethically? This is the event for you! As a grant writing professional, staying ahead of the curve is critical to success. This unique, peer-to-peer discussion will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your own insights and engage in informed conversations about the future of the field. Led by Your Nerdy Best Friend, Beth Z, this online town hall will take you on a journey of discovery a
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