2 years, 68 applications & $10M awarded! Creating order from chaos.
$49.00 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources


In 2021, I was new to the nonprofit world and grant writing. I soon realized I had inherited relatively nothing to help me learn the role or be successful. I needed to build a process that would work for applying for city, county, state, federal, and private funding. Over time, and with continual refinement, I've created a system that allows me to drive the entire process while permitting the rest of the team (subject experts, finance, directors, etc.) to fulfill their individual components. With a process defined, I began developing "grab and go" program
documents for future use. These are items that only need minor tweaks to be submission ready. This included creating an organization prospectus that showcases our nonprofit to potential funders. Lastly, I designed a grant dashboard that displays, applications, revenue generated, and impact areas related to our strategic plan.



Gretchen’s career had been in K-16 education. Thanks to COVID budget cuts, her career as a grant writer was launched. She is a life-long learner and educator whose grant writing now funds training for underserved populations. She is responsible for the whole grant life cycle (design, selection, startup, implementation). Her hobby as a photographer has helped her create visuals that simplify and elevate grant narratives. Travel, nature, baking, cycling, reading and her rescue dog, Ollie, bring her joy.


Skill Level:




Learning Track:

Personal Growth

Proposal Development/Communication Strategies


GPC Competencies:

Strategies for effective program and project design and development


Originally Recorded: 

May 2023

2 years, 68 applications & $10M awarded! Creating order from chaos.
Content Types:
New to grant writing? Need a system to keep your sanity (or at least appear so)? I’ll share the mostly free tools I used and the system I created as a first-time grant writer and nonprofit newbie.
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