Funding Across Borders: Facilitating Cultural Flow Throughout North America Following the Example of Indigenous Peoples & Monarch Butterflies
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Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
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Untapped funding for cultural exchange throughout North America will be identified, as relations among Canada, the US, & Mexico change, & as indigenous peoples, monarchs, & culture have always flowed.


Jan Hanvik holds a BFA in Dance from City College of City University of New York and an M.A. from New York University's Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies.  He was Executive Director of Pan American Art Research, NY 1986-2001, of Columbia County Council on the Arts, Hudson NY 2002-08, and of the Clemente Soto Valez Cultural & Educational Center, NYC 2008-16.  Since 2016 he has dedicated himself to establishing international artist residencies in 5 indigenous ecology centers, Mexico.

Andrea Nunez Gamboa graduated with a bachelor's degree in Cultural Studies and Arts Management from the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana in Mexico City. She holds an MA in Arts Administration at Columbia University in NYC, earned with support from a Fulbright grant. The main areas she specializes in are development and fundraising for art organizations, including the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico.


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GPC Competencies:
How to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs

Funding Across Borders: Facilitating Cultural Flow Throughout North America Following the Example of Indigenous Peoples & Monarch Butterflies
Content Types:
Untapped funding for cultural exchange throughout North America will be identified, as relations among Canada, the US, & Mexico change, & as indigenous peoples, monarchs, & culture have always flowed.
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