Measuring Up: Using data to support your grants and fundraising processes
$9.99 (USD)
Credits1 Credits
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

Grant professionals talk about data all the time in applications, but what about using grant data to support a grant professional's work in the organization? How can this data support the organization's larger vision, strategic priorities and provide context for board members and leadership?

What gets measured, gets done. However, the process of identifying the right metrics and reports to measure and communicate your progress can be complex and not necessarily intuitive, especially when it comes to finding metrics to drive grant performance. Join us to learn more about what metrics you should consider as you track and drive improvements to your grant fundraising process.


Rachel began her career as a New York City public-school teacher which parlayed into a two-decade career of work in the public sector. She was a nonprofit fundraiser/grant writer, grants manager, and management consultant for the federal government. She is currently the Owner and CEO of RBW Strategy, LLC a full-service grants firm in Maryland. In addition to her GPC, she has a Certificate in Grants Management and is a certified Project Management Professional.

As Director of Foundant for Grantseekers, Tammy Tilzey develops solutions and educational resources for grant professionals. In this role, Tammy works to improve the grant process for both funders and grantseekers, enabling them to further their mission of making the world a better place. Tammy has written several articles & delivered presentations on key performance metrics that drive performance. Tammy currently serves on the board of the Grant Professionals Certification Institute

Skill Level:

Learning Path: 
Personal Growth

GPC Competencies:
Strategies for effective program and project design and development Organizational development as it pertains to grant seeking

Practices and services that raise the level of professionalism of grant developers

Measuring Up: Using data to support your grants and fundraising processes
Content Types:
What are common metrics that grant professionals can use for strategic planning, performance, and board reports? We'll discuss that and more (psst: it's not Census and evaluation data)!
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