Post-Award Grant Management and Compliance
$299.00 (USD)
  • Overview
  • Resources

You and your team have worked countless hours to develop a competitive grant proposal that will positively impact your community. You finally hear the news you have been waiting for, “Congratulations you have been awarded the grant!” Your hard work has paid off knowing that your amazing program will change peoples’ lives.

You were awarded the grant, now what?

This pathway will create a firm foundation that will assist you to grow into a confident and capable grant manager.

The Post-Award Grant Management Pathway will provide you with essential resources to guide your path with insightful webinars, personalized podcasts and blog posts, curated microlearning videos, and specialized strategy papers to lead you to a successful post-award grant experience. This Pathway is designed for all levels of grant professionals. Whether you were awarded a foundation, corporate or government grant, these resources will expand your knowledge of the grant management process. National GPA-approved trainers and grant experts have created practical educational sources within this pathway to answer your questions and steer you in the right direction to be grant compliant.

After you have watched all of the webinars and microlearning videos, listened to the Podcasts and read the Strategy Papers and blogposts listed in this Pathway at your own pace, you will have successfully completed the Grant Management Pathway and will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by GPA. The Post-Award Grant Management and Compliance Learning Pathway has been approved for 11 CEUs through CFRE and 10 CEUs through GPCI. 


Cost $299 for Non-Members; $99 for Members - Using Coupon Code for Pathways (contact Erin Paterson for help with this)


Pathway Items:


  • The Many Faces of Federal Funding Accountability & Transparency (54 min)
  • Reading Uncle Sam’s Mind - 7 Secrets of Federal Grant Management for Grant Writers in a Post-Pandemic World (60 min)
  • Foundation & Corporate Grant Management 101 (58 min)
  • 7 Little Known Documentation Habits of Successful Grant Recipients (65 min)
  • Grants Management (44 min)
  • Understanding Financial Statements Without Going Bald (62 min)
  • How to Plan, Organize, and Facilitate a Post-Award Kickoff Meeting (61 min)

Microlearning Videos

  • The Grant Hero’s Journey (13 min)
  • Clowns to the Left of Me and Jokers to the Right (22 min)
  • Maintaining Grant Management Success During Times of Change (12 min)
  • Keeping Funders Engaged Post-Award (12 min)
  • Multimedia as Part of Grant Management (20 min)

Strategy Paper

  • Key Strategies for Compliance with the Procurement Standards under the Uniform Guidance: 2 CFR 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations


  • Site Visits - Hay Day (32 min)
  • Internal Controls & Grants Management - Hay Day (28 min)
  • The Joys of Reporting - Hay Day (24 min)
  • Keeping You Out of Jail One Procurement Discussion at a Time - Hay Day (49 min)

Blog Posts

  • From Pursuit to Post-Award Compliance: Successful Project Design for Full Federal Grant Lifecycle
  • Establishing Calm in Chaos
  • New Rules in Procurement – Managing the Award towards the Finish Line
  • Showing Your Work: Building Funder Relationships Through Reporting
  • Make a List and Check it Twice

The below list is a recommended order for completing this pathway. The pathway can be completed in any order that fits your learning style.

Microlearning: The Grant Hero's Journey
Learn all about the Grant Hero's Journey with Lucy Morgan where you will learn about the call to leave the ordinary world, the meeting of the mentors and guides, crossing into the unknown, tests, allies and (of course) enemies, the ordeal(s) and more ordeals, the transformational season, and releasing regrets and embracing solutions.
Blog Post: Establishing Calm in Chaos
Katy Shoemaker, GPC, talks about three considerations when choosing a platform and designing basic templates and structures in order to manage projects and grants.
Blog Post: From Pursuit to Post-Award Compliance: Successful Project Design for Full Federal Grant Lifecycle
Miranda Wojciechowski, Ph.D., writes about initial steps and best practices for project design, including assembling the team, planning the timeline and estimating the budget.
Grants Management
Consider attending this webinar to overcome the fear of federal grants management. We will focus on the award phase and the post-award phase which will include budget management, property standards, policies & procedures, and grant reporting.
Blog Post: Showing Your Work: Building Funder Relationships Through Reporting
H.B. Terrell, MLIS, discusses several key elements of a "robust reporting function". Suggestions include: putting all deadlines on calendars; keeping communication channels open; making sure you have an editing team in place for final submissions; always starting with a kickoff meeting, and so much more.
Foundation and Corporate Grants Management 101
You received a grant from a private or corporate foundation – now what? Learn best practices for post-award grants management of non-federal grants, with examples of grants management tracking tools. From budget and application to close out – we’ll walk through ways to better manage grants and become a good steward of private funding.
Microlearning: Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Dana Schuler Drummond speaks on effectively managing a grant when program staff are busy running the project and the finance office is handling all the money. She shares helpful tips on how you can monitor and report the progress to the funder all while being "stuck in the middle".
How to Plan, Organize, and Facilitate A Post-Award Kickoff Meeting
A post-award kick-off meeting is vital to grant success. This session will provide a framework for planning, organizing and facilitating a successful kick-off meeting.
Podcast: Site Visits (Fundraising HayDay)
Season 1, Episode 9 of the Fundraising HayDay Podcast. Foundation, corporate, and federal funders like to visit their grant recipients. Learn how to prepare and survive site visits, whether your funder is interested in viewing your files, your programs in action, or both.
Understanding Financial Statements Without Going Bald
Do you get anxious when email comes finance department with monthly statements? Quell the anxiety with this session that will lead you through financials and terminology so you can put the Tums away.
Podcast: Internal Controls and Grants Management (Fundraising HayDay)
Season 1, Episode 4 of the Fundraising HayDay Podcast. When you are entrusted with money from any funder, you need to properly account for the award and follow all of their rules and regulations. Internal controls and grant management policies and processes are a necessity.
Blog Post: Make a List and Check it Twice
In this article, Reagan Lynch discusses the transition from pre-award to post-award and how to do so effectively by creating lists and sticking to them.
The Many Faces of Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency
During this session we’ll discuss how OMB 2 CFR 200 requirements and recent legislation have impacted the administration of federal grant awards. There are key considerations, which have been heightened due to the increase in federal funding, which will be addressed in more detail.
Blog Post: New Rules in Procurement - Managing the Award Toward the Finish Line
Rachel Werner takes time to discuss why procurement is so important in the grant management process, as well as compliance to the procurement process.
Podcast: Keeping You Out of Jail One Procurement Discussion at a Time (Fundraising HayDay)
Grant funding requires that you not only stick to your approved budget, but you also follow the funder’s procurement and conflict of interest requirements. The Federal government is especially particular about both. Join us as we talk with Lucy Morgan, aka My Fed Trainer, about the procurement and conflict of interest specifics found within the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200).
Strategy Paper: Key Strategies for Compliance with the Procurement Standards under the Uniform Guidance: 2 CFR 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations
Effective July 1, 2018 grant seeking organizations interested in obtaining federal government grants or currently working on federal grants must comply with a standard set of guidelines known as the Uniform Guidance. This strategy paper outlines the key strategies for compliance with the procurement standards.
Microlearning: Maintaining Grant Management Success During Times of Change
Has this happened to you? There has been some recent staff shakeups and now you are left trying to find email passwords, reports, and listing of past deadlines as a newly hired grants manager and you are trying to figure out what is happening? What do you do? Join Rachel Werner as she helps you navigate this stressful process with grace and and compliance.
Reading Uncle Sam's Mind - 7 Secrets of Federal Grant Management for Grant Writers
Writing successful grant applications since the pandemic is harder than ever with changing federal requirements. Discover ways to increase the odds of developing winning proposals for federal funding.
7 Little-Known Documentation Habits of Successful Grant Recipients
With nearly $1 trillion in federal grants and countless other funding sources mobilizing to respond to critical needs in our communities, the last thing on the mind of many grant recipients is documentation. But history teaches that expensive and long-lasting consequences can result when documentation of grants is lacking. Explore habits that increase your odds of successful grants while reducing the risk for cost disallowance.
Podcast: The Joys of Reporting (Fundraising HayDay)
Season 1, Episode 10 of the Fundraising HayDay Podcast. Most funders want to be kept apprised of your program’s activities, spending habits, accomplishments, and setbacks on a monthly or quarterly basis. Submitting thorough and timely reports is a major component of successful grant management.
Microlearning: Keeping Funders Engaged Post-Award
Join Cyndi MacKenzie, GPC, as she teaches you how to keep your funders engaged post-award with very simple, easy to follow steps.
Microlearning: Multimedia as Part of Grant Management
This micro-webinar will give you some practical tips you can use to capture photo and video of your grant-funded work, for use in funder reports and other stewardship materials.
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